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The Akashic Records of an individual or a group are opened and the consultant acts as a go-between with the Record Keepers. The client has prepared questions or areas to address in advance. At the time of the session, the consultant prepares by calling in the Light and asking permission to open the person’s Akashic Records. A Prayer is then read to open the Records.
It is not uncommon to receive an immediate flow of healing Light energy upon opening the Akashic Records, as the Record Keepers are there to help us shift our vibration to a higher level of love and connection. The degree to which a client experiences transformation around a topic or challenge is contingent upon their degree of openness: (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual). The consultant assists the client to optimize his / her / their goals for the session.
Private Sessions last 1 hour and are recorded for you.
To schedule a session go to:
Prepare notes/questions in advance on areas of your life where you would like greater clarity, guidance and healing. Your questions are the catalyst to where we are able to go and what we're able to accomplish in your Akashic Records.
Throughout the session, we are guided by the Record Keepers to help you make a shift or healing at the DNA level.
Using the Akashic Connection DNA Protocol, we take the information coming from your Akashic Records a step further, by allowing the Record Keepers to vibrationally de-activate at the DNA level "trapped or stuck” energy and then activate energy into the present moment, the energy of what serves the Highest Good of your Soul's evolution.
Session pricing, Click Here
"Our DNA, which contains our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves, is changeable. We're born with it in a certain configuration, but it is not static. The Akashic Connection DNA Protocol is a means by which the DNA can rewrite itself to operate at its highest expression."
Using the Akashic Connection DNA Protocol, any part of our Soul that has been trapped in the past, on the genetic lines, in this life, past lives, or in any dimension can be healed and released. This allows us to move forward more grounded, calm, and present, even when faced with life’s challenges.
Not only does this process enable fast, deep, comfortable healing and change, we also learn how to become a more active, responsible co-creator with God-Source, as we Activate at the DNA level, exactly what we want more of in our present life.
Jodi's love and dedication to her work in the Akashic Records, allowed her to be "Gifted", from the Akashic Records, a healing process she calls "The Akashic Connection DNA Protocol." It is a deep and effective healing process, she has been developing and co-creating since 2011, with the Record Keepers of the Akashic Records. In 2017, Jodi collaborated with her dear friend, Susan Johnson. Their collaboration took the DNA Protocol to new, deeper and broader levels within the Akashic Records.
Jodi explains some of the ways she's used the Akashic Records and the Akashic Connection DNA Protocol in her life and how she works with others in the Akashic Records.
Akashic Connection, LLC PO BOX 77808, Fort Worth, TX 76177
Copyright © 2011-2025 - All Rights Reserved.
4:30pm PT / 6:30pm CT / 7:30pm ET
This FREE one-hour event is for answering your questions about our way of accessing the Akashic Records and to experience the
Akashic Connection DNA Protocol.
Join us and see how quickly the DNA Protocol can change energy in the present moment!
When you join us for Happy Hour, You'll also receive a discount code for an Extra $50 Off the upcoming Level I class, July 19th & 20th, 2025